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Issues in Educational Research

Contents of Volume 15, 2005

Number 1 The distribution of printed copies of Volume 15 Number 1 (2005) commenced on 2 June 2005. The full text web versions for articles other than Editorial were released on 2 September 2005. Pre-release, an abstracts only file was available - see Abstracts 15(1).

Clare McBeath Editorial v-vii
Lauren Breen and Margaret Maassen Reducing the incidence of plagiarism in an undergraduate course: The role of education 1-16
Leng Hui Chinese cultural schema of Education: Implications for communication between Chinese students and Australian educators [Available only in PDF format] 17-36
Deepa Marat Assessing mathematics self-efficacy of diverse students from secondary schools in Auckland: Implications for academic achievement 37-68
Cathleen March Academic redshirting: Does withholding a child from school entrance for one year increase academic success 69-85
Orlando J. Olivares Collaborative critical thinking: Conceptualizing and defining a new construct from known constructs 86-100
Carole Steketee Integrating ICT as an integral teaching and learning tool into pre-service teacher training courses 101-113

Book reviews 114-121

Number 2 The distribution of printed copies of Volume 15 Number 2 (2005) commenced on 24 November 2005. The full text web versions for articles other than Editorial were released on 24 February 2006. Pre-release, an abstracts only file was available - see Abstracts 15(2).

Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath Editorial v-vii
Fiona Bryer and Katherine Main Moving middle schooling reform from policy to practice: Issues for Queensland teachers 123-144
Nita C. Lester Assessment in multiage primary classrooms 145-155
Lesley Irene Payne The discourse of development in school governance 156-174
Chris Perry and Ian Ball Emotional intelligence and teaching: Further validation evidence 175-192
Roger J. Vallance Research ethics: Reforming postgraduate formation 193-205
Marian Webb Becoming a secondary-school teacher: The challenges of making teacher identity formation a conscious, informed process 206-224
David Zyngier Choosing our ideas, words and actions carefully: Is the language of Productive Pedagogies intelligible for pre-service teachers? 225-248

Book review 249-250

© The Institutes for Educational Research in NSW, NT, SA and WA. ISSN 0313-7155

The IIER web site was hosted by the Faculty of Education, Curtin University of Technology, until 16 May 2006.

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This URL http://www.iier.org.au/iier15/2005conts.html
Created 31 May 2005. Last revised 22 Dec 2007.
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@bigpond.com]