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Issues in Educational Research

Contents of Volume 22, 2012

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Number 1 IIER 22(1) Special issue in intercultural and critical education was published on 27 February 2012.

Meeri Hellstén Editorial 22(1): Special issue [HTML]
Christina Rodell Olgaç, Guest Editor
Meeri Hellstén, Editor
Editorial 22(1): Special issue in intercultural and critical education [HTML]
Asta Mitkijá Balto and Liv Østmo Multicultural studies from a Sámi perspective: Bridging traditions and challenges in an indigenous setting [HTML]
Leslie Bash Intercultural education and the global-local context: Critiquing the culturalist narrative [HTML]
David Coulby Globalisation: Old and new normative strategies in education [HTML]
Ulla Damber Equity and models of literacy in a diverse world [HTML]
Fokion Georgiadis and Apostolos Zisimos Teacher training in Roma education in Greece: Intercultural and critical educational necessities [HTML]
Åsa Möller What is compensatory pedagogy trying to compensate for? Compensatory strategies and the ethnic 'other' [HTML]
Joron Pihl Can library use enhance intercultural education? [HTML]

Number 2 IIER 22(2) was published on 22 August 2012.

Eva Dobozy Editorial 22(2) [HTML]
Chris Brown Adoption by policy makers of knowledge from educational research: An alternative perspective [HTML]
Jennifer Duke Joining the dots: Piloting the work diary as a data collection tool [HTML]
Patrick Lim & David Pyvis How Singapore junior college science teachers address curriculum reforms: A theory [HTML]
Sasikala Nallaya The measurement of change in English language proficiency [HTML]
Coral Pepper & Susan Roberts Leading learning in Australian tertiary institutions: Narrative support for unit coordinators [HTML]
Richard Rose The relationship of compensation to job attraction and performance in public schools [HTML]
Jerneja Jager Book review: Professionalization, leadership and management in the early years [HTML]

Number 3 IIER 22(3) was published on 31 December 2012.

Meeri Hellstén Editorial 22(3) [HTML]
Ester Aflalo Learning approach and learning strengths: A case study in an ultraorthodox community [HTML]
Angelito Calma and Mark Eggins Enhancing the quality of tutorials through peer-connected tutor training [HTML]
Eva Dobozy Learning in Higher Education symposia: A new professional development model for university educators [HTML]
Asnat Dor and T. Brooke Rucker-Naidu Teachers' attitudes toward parents' involvement in school: Comparing teachers in the USA and Israel [HTML]
Rachael Hains-Wesson Inspiring connections: The student experience of an online creative arts journal [HTML]
Kuchah Kuchah and Annamaria Pinter 'Was this an interview?' Breaking the power barrier in adult-child interviews in an African context [HTML]
Erin Mackenzie, Anne McMaugh and Kerry-Ann O'Sullivan Perceptions of primary to secondary school transitions: Challenge or threat? [HTML]
Angela Page and Lisa F. Smith Identifying girls who use relational aggression: A proposed model [HTML]
Zsuzsa Millei Book review: Discipline and learn: Bodies, pedagogy and writing [HTML]

© The Institutes for Educational Research in NSW, SA and WA. ISSN 1837-6290 (Online)

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This URL http://www.iier.org.au/iier22/2012conts.html Created 27 Feb 2012. Last revised 9 Jan 2013.
HTML and PDF: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@bigpond.com]