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Issues in Educational Research, 2021, Vol 31(1), 241-254.
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Complex dynamic systems of language teacher cognitions: A case study from Bangladesh

Mohammad Mosiur Rahman
BRAC University, Bangladesh

Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Teacher cognition research has provided useful insights into complex, dynamic, and contextual teaching processes. Yet, there is no systematic framework for describing the complex, dynamic and contextual features of teacher cognition. This research applied complexity theory to the analysis of characteristics of teacher cognition systems of an English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher in Bangladesh and examined how the relationship between the different components of teacher cognition systems led to the complex characteristics of their cognition and teaching practices. The case was investigated using multiple sources of data collection which included in-depth interviews, classroom observations and stimulated recall. The findings present evidence of the EFL teacher's complex knowledge of communicative language teaching and curriculum implementation through classroom practices, the influence of his prior language learning experiences on his practices, his experiences as a novice teacher resulting from teacher training input, his classroom interactions with his students, and further professional development.
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Authors: Mohammad Mosiur Rahman is a lecturer at BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL), BRAC University in Bangladesh. From macro-level language policy, curriculum development and implementation to micro-level classroom language teaching, he has published widely. His work has appeared in international journals including English Today, Asian Englishes, English Teaching & Learning, The Journal of Asia TEFL, Language Testing in Asia, Open Linguistics and MEXTESOL.
Email: mosiurbhai2.0@gmail.com

Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh PhD is an associate professor and currently holds the position of Deputy Dean of Research, Innovation and Industry-Community Engagement at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her research interests include higher education, academic literacies, international students, and language learning. She publishes widely in indexed journals, and book chapters. She is also the Managing Editor of the International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation and sits on the editorial board of indexed international journals.
Email: manjeet@usm.my

Please cite as: Rahman, M. M. & Singh, M. K. M. (2021). Complex dynamic systems of language teacher cognitions: A case study from Bangladesh. Issues in Educational Research, 31(1), 241-254. http://www.iier.org.au/iier31/rahman.pdf

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Created 4 April 2021. Last correction: 4 April 2021.
Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]