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Issues in Educational Research, 2018, Vol 28(2), 422-437
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Finnish teacher education and its contributions to pre-service teachers' instructional self-efficacy

Kalle Juuti
University of Helsinki, Finland

Knut-Andreas Christophersen, Eyvind Elstad
University of Oslo, Norway

Trond Solhaug
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Are Turmo
University of Oslo, Norway

This study focuses on how Finnish pre-service teachers' instructional self-efficacy contributes to their belief in their ability to provide learning opportunities and positive classroom outcomes. Data were gathered from 153 pre-service teachers and analysed using structural equation modelling. We found that experiences with problem behaviour negatively contributed to pre-service teachers' instructional self-efficacy. We also found two factors that contributed positively to pre-service teachers' instructional self-efficacy: supervisor's feedback and perceived practical examples in general pedagogy courses.
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Authors: Kalle Juuti PhD works as an associate professor of digital learning in schools at University of Helsinki, Finland. He has been a vice-director of subject and class teacher education programs. His research interests are teacher education, digital tools in science education and design-based research as a methodological approach in education.
Email: kalle.juuti@helsinki.fi

Knut-Andreas Christophersen is associate professor emeritus at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway. His main research interest is research methodology.
Email: k.a.christophersen@stv.uio.no

Eyvind Elstad is professor of educational research at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo, Norway. His main research interests are teacher education, teachers' work, citizenship, and educational technology.
Email: eyvind.elstad@ils.uio.no

Trond Solhaug is professor in social science teaching and pedagogy at the Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. His main research interests are quality in teacher education, democratic education and citizenship education.
Email: trond.solhaug@ntnu.no

Are Turmo is a Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Science Education, University of Oslo, Norway. He holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Oslo. Among his research interests are science education and teacher education.
Email: are.turmo@gmail.com

Please cite as: Juuti, K., Christophersen, K. A., Elstad, E., Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2018). Finnish teacher education and its contributions to pre-service teachers' instructional self-efficacy. Issues in Educational Research, 28(2), 422-437. http://www.iier.org.au/iier28/juuti.pdf

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Created 5 Apr 2018. Last revision: 5 Apr 2018.
Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]