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Queensland Journal of
Educational Research

Contents of Volume 15, 1999

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1999, Vol. 15, No. 1
Graham Maxwell Editorial: Australian research on children's literacy: An overview 5-15
Trevor H. Cairney & Jenny Ruge Developing partnerships: The home, school and community interface 17-24
Trevor H. Cairney & Jenny Ruge Community literacy practices and schooling: Towards effective support for students 25-34
Sue Hill 100 children go to school: Connections between literacy development in the prior-to-school period and the first year of schooling 35-42
Trevor H. Cairney & Eira Sproats Literacy in the transition years: Evaluation of literacy practices in upper primary and junior secondary school 43-50
Phil Cormack Classroom discourse in the upper primary and early secondary years 51-58
Di Bills 'Now you're talking': The role of talk in thinking and learning in the middle years 59-68
Anne Simpson & Joelie Hancock Reflecting on viewing: Supporting teachers to make judgements about students in the upper primary and lower secondary years of schooling 69-74
Christina E. van Kraayenoord Assessing and reporting literacy 75-82
Suzanne Mellor Literacy and the competencies 83-90
William Louden Literacy in its place: Literacy practices in urban and rural communities 91-96
William Louden Literacy at a distance: Language and learning in distance education 97-101
Jean Clayton Desert schools: An investigation of English language and literacy among young aboriginal people in seven communities 101-112
Mary Rohl Profiling ESL children: How teachers interpret and use national and state assessment frameworks 113-122
Penny McKay The Bilingual Interface Project: The relationship between first language development and second language acquisition as students begin learning English in the context of schooling 123-132
J. Joy Cumming, Claire M. Wyatt-Smith, Jill Ryan & Shani M. Doig The literacy-curriculum interface: Literacy demands of the curriculum in post-compulsory schooling 133-140
Colin Lankshear Digital rhetorics: Literacies and technologies in classrooms - current practices and future directions 141-148
Children's Literacy National Projects Programme Reports 149-150

1999, Vol. 15, No. 2
Graham Maxwell Editorial: Educational research for policy development and evaluation 155-158
Terry Moran Future directions for state education in Queensland: The role of research 159-172
Eugene Kaminski Effects of past experience on future mathematics learning: Consequences for teacher education 173-192
Anne Campbell, Rieko Hanashiro & Ethel Shockley Beliefs about teaching 'other people's children': A descriptive study of pre-service teachers in Japan, Australia and the USA 193-206
Chris Forlin, Kathleen Tait, Annemaree Carroll & Anne Jobling Teacher education for diversity 207-226
Tjahjaning Tingastuti Surjosuseno & Vivienne Watts Using Bloom's Taxonomy to teach critical reading in English as a foreign language classes 227-244
Eva Fritz & Annemaree Carroll Principles for drug education in schools: Beyond the visions 245-258

Notes for contributors
Notes on QJER and QIER
151, 259

© Queensland Institute for Educational Research 1985-2003

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Created 9 Sep 2004. Last revision: 25 May 2009. URL: http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qjer15/99conts.html