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In September 2004 the Queensland Journal of Educational Research merged with Issues in Educational Research. A full archive is now in development, to recognise and preserve the substantial contribution that QJER made to scholarly publishing of educational research in Australia, from its inception in 1985 until its final volume in 2003. The notes below are a part of the archival record and are not current advice to authors. For current advice please see [IIER Home]
Contributions to the journal are invited from anyone engaged in educational research, and are not limited either in origin or applicability to Queensland. In fact, articles which draw general implications beyond particular settings will be preferred. Articles can take a variety of forms and lengths and may derive from any of the traditions of education research and scholarship. Articles of particular interest are analyses of educational issues and policies, reports of research studies, reports of evaluation studies, case studies of educational practice, research reviews and syntheses, research critiques, analyses of theoretical and procedural issues in educational research, and future agendas for educational research. Short articles of will be published as Research Briefs. The journal will also publish reviews of books dealing with or reporting on educational research.
Educational research is to be interpreted broadly and may include scholarly analysis of educational theory or educational policy as well as disciplined enquiry into educational issues, processes and outcomes. The editor encourages submission of reports on research in progress as well as completed research. Reports of action research by teachers and case studies of educational practice will be welcome, as also will be articles from masters and doctoral degree students on their postgraduate research. Articles which analyse or reflect upon the research process itself are especially welcome. Contributors are encouraged to draw general implications for educational policy and practice and to highlight interesting or controversial findings and conclusions to encourage further debate.
Some issues of the journal may address a particular theme. The Editor may issue a general invitation for contributions on a particular theme or invite particular persons to contribute articles. Suggestions for appropriate themes are welcome and submission of collections of articles on a single theme is encouraged.
Manuscripts should be sent to Dr G. S. Maxwell, Editor, Queensland Journal of Educational Research, School of Education, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 4072.
Fax-Australia: (07) 3365 7199; Fax-International: +61 7 3365 7199;
Email: g.maxwell@mailbox.uq.edu.au.
Formatting should be A4 with double spacing and 2.5 cm margins. All pages should bear a running title and page number. To allow anonymous refereeing, author details - name(s), institution(s), address(es) - should be provided only on a cover sheet attached to the manuscript. For multiple authors, one author should be nominated as the point of contact for the group. Electronic submission as a email attachment in Microsoft Word is encouraged.
Length of articles can vary with the nature and intent of the article. Articles of any length will be considered. Articles longer than 2,000 words should include an abstract of up to 100 words.
Tables and figures which are configured within Microsoft Word can be located within the text but must fit within the dimensions of the journal (maximum of 11x17cm.). Other tables and figures must be presented on separate sheets, camera ready for insertion into the text. The approximate position for this insertion should be indicated in the manuscript.
Presentation style and referencing should follow the specifications of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th ed.). Adaptation for in-house style can be handled editorially. However, please italicise where italics are intended; do not underline. Footnotes should preferably be avoided.
Decisions about publication will be conveyed to the author or nominated author as soon as the article has been reviewed. Each article is anonymously reviewed by at least two referees. The reasons for rejection will be conveyed to the author(s). In some cases, articles may be accepted subject to some rewriting. Final proofs will be sent to authors for checking if there is sufficient time to do so.
Author copies: Authors of published articles will be provided with two free copies of the issue in which their article is published plus an electronic copy of the article for personal use and distribution.
Copyright: Articles accepted for publication become the copyright of the Queensland Institute for Educational Research unless otherwise specifically agreed.