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Issues in Educational Research, 2024, Vol 34(1), 123-144.
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Digital technologies and school gardens: Possibilities for transformative pedagogies and sustainable development

Angélica Monteiro, Ana Cristina Torres
University of Porto, Portugal

Sara Blanc Clavero
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

The changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic have compelled schools to transform their pedagogies, with two seemingly contrasting trends emerging: the growing digitalisation of schools and the increased recognition of outdoor education. Our study, based on the experience of a European project, addressed the following questions: What digital competences can be fostered through school garden-based learning activities? Which UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be addressed by combining garden and digital activities? How do these practices align with the framework of transformative pedagogy? To answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative content analysis of 16 learning activity lesson plans designed and implemented by teachers from Slovenia, Greece, Portugal, and Spain. The findings indicate the activities contributed to exploring diverse online sources of information and integrating them into shareable digital products while developing SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 3 (health habits), and SDG 12 (sustainable consumption and production), among others. These activities align with the principles of transformative pedagogy, as they encourage students to think and interact globally while empowering them to take action at a local level. These results also emphasise the importance of enhancing students' decision-making abilities and providing opportunities for reflective questioning, less frequently identified in the activities.
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Authors: Dr Angélica Monteiro is an auxiliary researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) in the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. She has a PhD in Education Sciences and a Masters in Multimedia Education from the University of Porto.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1369-3462
Email: armonteiro@fpce.up.pt

Dr Ana Cristina Torres is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) in the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. She graduated in biology and geology teaching from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto in 2003 and has a PhD in Didactics and Training, specialising in Science Education.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9068-1203
Email: acctorres@fpce.up.pt

Dr Sara Blanc Clavero graduated in Computer Engineering in 1998 from Universitat Politècnica de València (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Spain. In 2004 she received her PhD from the same university where she currently teaches in the Department of Computer and Systems Informatics.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6439-2902
Email: sablacla@disca.upv.es

Please cite as: Monteiro, A., Torres, A. C. & Clavero, S. B. (2024). Digital technologies and school gardens: Possibilities for transformative pedagogies and sustainable development. Issues in Educational Research, 34(1), 123-144. http://www.iier.org.au/iier34/monteiro.pdf

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Created 30 March 2024. Last update: 30 March 2024. Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]